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Dear Rukar Thresh,

Thank you for choosing Wards Pizzeria Express, your premier pizza destination in the heart of the Citadel’s bustling Wards. We are thrilled to confirm your pizza order and bring the flavor of the galaxy to your doorstep!

Order Details:

Customer Name: Rukar Thresh
Delivery Address: Apartment 6756h Zakera Ward
Order Date: 15/07/2170
Delivery Date: 15/07/2170
Delivery Time: 18:35
Order Total: 55 Credits

Pizza Selection:

Pizza Size: Extra Large
Pizza Type: Earth Special
Toppings: Pineapple


1x Large Blasto Fuzz
1x Diet Dextro Shake
2x Party Fizz Supreme

Payment Method:

Payment Type: Direct Transfer
Total Amount Paid: 55 Credits

Delivery Instructions:

We understand the uniqueness of Citadel addresses, and our experienced delivery agents are well-equipped to navigate the bustling Wards to bring your order promptly and with a smile. Rest assured, your pizza will be in good hands during transit!

Delivery Time Estimate:

Based on current traffic and Citadel conditions, your order is estimated to arrive at your doorstep within [2 Minutes and Thirty Five Seconds].

Contact Us:

Should you have any inquiries or need to make changes to your order, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly customer service team at 902834032 or 123Pizza@exenet.com. We are here to ensure your pizza experience is nothing short of extraordinary!

Your Satisfaction Matters:

At Wards Pizzeria Express, we take pride in crafting each pizza with the finest ingredients and a touch of Citadel charm. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we look forward to serving you again in the future.

Thank you for choosing Wards Pizzeria Express. We hope you savor every slice and enjoy the flavors of the galaxy!

Best regards,

Wards Pizzeria Express